Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Personal Learning Goals

You learn something everyday.  How many times have we each heard that saying and thought to ourselves, yeah right, I didn't learn anything today.  Whether we've noticed it or not, and whether we want to or not, learning takes place in our lives everyday in every manner.  My personal goal is to keep learning for as long as I can and to learn as much as I can, that way I can be an effected teacher in conveying my knowledge to my students.  The goal I have with this class specifically is to learn and understand how to incorporate technology on a higher level, aside from using the SmartBoard and simple PowerPoints.  Because we are in the era of technology and the children we teach are often using the same leisure products that we use (Iphone, Ipad, Itouch, Kindle, Nook, etc) it only makes sense that we use technology in the classroom.  My one specific goal is to learn how to use technology in the classroom without the students being solo.  I want to see them interact with each other and their technologies.


  1. Courtney,

    I completely agree with what you wrote about in your entry. I wrote about the same thing. Its so important to learn the most that we can about technology in order to pass that down to our students. By doing this, they'll leave our classroom and go into the world knowing the most that they can.

    Great post.

  2. It is so important to remember that we all learn every day from all different people! I know I am constantly learning new things from each of my students- wether it is a new way of talking or a cool trick they learned. There is always something to learn if you are willing to.

  3. Your post reminded me of the exercise we did in class about the definition of technology. As teachers, we need to stay on top of our learning and evolve with the times.

    You have also made me reexamine one of my goals. I love technology for independent learning so students can go at their own pace, however you brought up a good point. Technology and interactive learning seems like a great idea. Cooperation and technology can be extremely motivating and the two together might be unstoppable.

